Monday, September 10, 2012

June 3rd

June 3rd was the last time I blogged.

Can you believe it?

I missed this. I missed being able to say whatever was on my mind at the moment. I missed writing.

Lots of bloggers would say something along the lines of "So much has happened since I last posted anything!" but really for me, nothing has. I worked. All summer. That was pretty much it.

Then at the end of August I tried out for the musical. I got a lead.... It's stressful. Since school has started I haven't been able to catch my breath, and on Friday night I had an emotional breakdown. It probably didn't help that I had a fever and pretty much everything else, physically, wrong with me, but I couldn't stop crying. Would somebody, anybody at all, like to tell me how I'm going to be able to handle all this? Because I'd really like to know. First week of school, and I was already DROWNING. 

Today was good. I take mental notes. That's how I work. I should get a planner, but I wouldn't look at it or use it anyways, so what is the point of that? Anyways, today finally seemed somewhat normal. School went well, and even though I have a pile of homework and papers to fill out, at least I'm finally starting to get into a routine. I had tonight off from musical practice too, which was good. I needed a break.

I've had a sore throat lately. Maybe from all the singing I've been doing. Or maybe because I like to talk a lot, but I've been resting my voice today. Although it may just be a lame excuse for not talking to people as much as I normally do, it sure has been nice to have a little break.


Happy Junior year to me. 
This post has been all over the place. Sorry readers. It's just everything in one. Maybe next time it won't take me three months to blog. Well..... maybe it will.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Studying and shows

Among all the studying lately for finals, my sister played Belle in Beauty and the Beast this weekend for her middle school. Wow. I am blown away. Maddie was so perfect. Her solos, her acting. Perfect. I wish every single person in the world could have seen it! I was so proud of her, and so was everyone else that came to watch it.

Now I am off to go study. Yuck. I hope you are all enjoying your June so far. Only three days in, and it's already been lovely.

Here are some pictures from the show. Enjoy!

Monday, May 14, 2012



 Babies are beautiful. Or handsome I should say. Some close friends of ours just had their first son. Peter is his name. He is so precious.

Needless to say, I absolutely love him to pieces. 

Anyways, here are just a few pictures from Easter, and the Promise that I never got around to putting on here!
Jaylah and I.

Maddie and I with puppies on April 8. They are much bigger now!

All black. All white. Polar opposites! ;) 

The kids with my dad's parents on Easter morning.

I hope everyone's life is as beautiful as mine is. Tell me what you've been up to!

Saturday, May 5, 2012


You could say our house is a little crazy right now. Why, you ask?

We have these littles running around.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Love love love

Hello, everyone! Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. I've missed you all.

Today I stumbled across a blog of a very Godly man who posts things like "What God says about kissing" and "How should we, Biblically, treat someone who has wronged us", you know. Things like that. Well let me just tell you. He left the comment box open for people to let him know how they felt about the subject. Mostly the comments were filled with drama and personal experiences. Most of which, I'd prefer not to repeat.  But the way one so called "Christian" treated another so called "Christian" disgusted me. One of the most important things God talks about is love. There are 393 scriptures in the Bible that mention or contain the world love. I would say that's a lot. We are so quick to judge someone else when we don't agree with them, but really God calls us to love. To lay it at His feet, to walk away, and to pray for them. That would be more influential to that person that you disagree with anyways. Wouldn't it?

One of my favorite verses lately is Galatians 2:20.  

"I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me."

Wow. I don't know about you. But wow. Once we say yes to Christ, it isn't about us. It isn't about what we want, or how we feel. No, I don't always feel like loving people. And of course we make mistakes. But what makes us set apart, is loving when it's most difficult. 

After all, it isn't our job to condemn people, but yet it is the Holy Spirits' job to convict.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Eggs and Tulips

Happy spring everyone!

It's almost Easter. You know what that means. For most people it means, coloring eggs, getting candy, and spending time with your relatives. But for me it means thanking Jesus for laying his life down for me, and picking up that sin laden cross and carrying it all the way to the hill of Golgotha. He died there. For me. So that I could know fullness of life. In Him. What greater gift could we have? I love Easter time. It's my favorite time of the year. One of the reasons being that, our Church has a Easter production called The Promise. It's a blessing to the people in our community, and a blessing to me. Sometimes it's easy to forget what Easter is about, because of what society has made it about. But when you're in the word, and portraying the best story ever told, you can't help but remember. It pierces your heart in a way I can't explain.

Our Choir, and the angels. I'm the angel on the far right.